Friday, 23 March 2012

Integration of Africans in Irish Society.

Written in 2011 as an essay.

There are some interesting findings here, in particular in relation to the police and the state and their treatment  of migrants.


I want to look at the development of Irish social policy in the way of immigration and integration. The typical indicators of levels of integration are education, health, culture, language and qualifications. I will look at each of these in detail. One could have excellent educational qualifications but have no English, ones culture may not be catered for in anyway by the state and one’s health care may not be catered for by the HSE. For example Sickle Cell Anaemia (a disease which mostly affects black people) treatment was not available via the medical card up until relatively recently. 

I will look at policy that impedes integration and aspects of legislation that aids it. Different people from different places have different levels of rights. Tight bureaucratic rules can impede integration and social inclusion. Bureaucratic forms and rules can cause problems for people with no English or low education.  I will look at each of these elements of integration in detail.